National Malleefowl Forum, february 2004
The National Malleefowl Forum, hosted by the Victorian Malleefowl Recovery Group, was held at the Grand Hotel in Mildura.
The 92 participants came from New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory and Victoria and included experts, field officers, volunteers and interested members of the public.
The Forum kicked off with Registration and 'Drinks and Nibbles' on the Friday evening, providing an excellent opportunity for pre-conference networking.
The main business of the Forum was conducted on the Saturday and Sunday. The participants were enthralled by a wide range of relevant topics, delivered by an excellent range of speakers. The participants listened to reports from each of the States, looked at the broader issue of biodiversity, revisited the National Malleefowl Recovery Plan, examined a broad range of issues impacting on the Malleefowl, studied existing monitoring proceedures, and made recommendations on a range of themes. Supporting the main focii of the Forum were a number of high quality poster presentations.
The optional Monday activities included a field visit to an active Malleefowl Mound and a more leisurely boat trip on the Murray for a bbq at a local winery, providing a great opportunity for more networking.
The proceedings are available as a complete document (186 pages).
Proceedings of the National Malleefowl Forum, February 2004 (complete) (3.9Mb)
Front Cover
Forum Program
Conservation through Collaboration. The Steps that the WA Malleefowl Network is taking to achieve increased Malleefowl conservation
Community and Conservation: Malleefowl Conservation in SA
NSW Malleefowl
The Role of Community Groups: Victoria
Community Involvement and the National Recovery Plan for Malleefowl
Conservation of the Malleefowl: are there lessons from the successful conservation of native mammals by intensive fox control?
Fire in Mallee Communities
Mallee fires and Malleefowl - seeking a balance
Ecological consequences of clearing and fragmentation of native vegetation
Chicks, Food and Fragmentation
Bureaucratic and funding impediments to threatened species recovery
"Gnowing is Believing"
Why monitor? The role of monitoring in environmental management
Monitoring Malleefowl: Options, problems and solutions
Malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata) Conservation on Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
'Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things' An outline of the processes used by volunteers to collect Malleefowl data in northwest Victoria
Poster Papers: Abstracts of the Poster Presentations
Discussion Points and Key Resolutions from the Workshops
List of Participants