
Ensuring the future of the Malleefowl

There are few birds in the world as interesting and industrious as the Malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata).

The Victorian Malleefowl Recovery Group is dedicated to the preservation of this magnificent and endangered bird.

See our About Us page for details on what we do and how to join.

Join the Malleefowl Victoria Facebook group to connect with fellow Victorian Malleefowl enthusiasts.

The VMRG Committee would like to thank all those who contributed photos for our site.

Latest News

Malleefowl Information Sign Installed at Boundary Bend Rest Area

A new Malleefowl Information sign was installed at the Boundary Bend Memorial Park recently. Long-time VMRG member Ralph Patford organised an able-bodied team of workers who gathered at the site one Sunday morning to install the stand, then attach the sign. The stand was manoeuvred into place with precise adjustments, so that the result could not be faulted.

The VMRG committee thanks Ralph for getting all the organisational approvals and liaising with the local management committee of the park. Thanks also to the team of willing workers who assisted with the placement of the sign. The VMRG has installed 17 signs across western Victoria to inform the public about Malleefowl – its habits and where they can be found throughout Australia. Hopefully, they will also encourage people to join the VMRG. Signs can be seen at locations from Murrayville, south to Natimuk, across to Manangatang and through to Boundary Bend.

Boundary Bend Memorial Park

Installing the sign

Work team – L-R: John Fraser, Judy Irvin, David Thompson, Ron McMahon, Keith Patford

Sign in position

Armstrong bequest

Small grants are available from the Geoff Armstrong Bequest to provide financial support to projects that will make a positive difference to Malleefowl conservation and preservation in Victoria or to promote the enhancement of the natural environment for Malleefowl in Victoria.

Applications for projects in other States will be considered but Victoria must benefit in some way. This may include research projects or activities that include on-ground monitoring, raising awareness of Malleefowl issues or undertaking field research. 

It may also include research and/or education into known or emerging Mallefowl threats (both human and natural) such as predators, competition, land management or climatic impacts on Malleefowl numbers or breeding activities.

The citizen science model of science, research and education is strongly supported by the VMRG as is community education and training that leads to Malleefowl conservation and preservation.

More information is available on the Donations and Grants page.

Applications must be made through The Wettenhall Environment Trust (WET).

You can apply for funding in any one of these grant rounds – February, May, August and November. More info here.